join our rewards system

Glow more, gain more. Join our rewards program to redeem exclusive discounts and offers every time you shop.

how it works

sign up

Create an account on our store

earn points

Earn points for shopping


Redeem points for discounts

  • Like on Facebook

    1,000 points

  • follow on instagram

    1,000 points

  • sign up

    1,000 points

  • place an order

    51 points: for every $1 spent place an order

  • post a product review

    3,000 points

  • Column

    Pair text with an image to focus on your chosen product, collection, or blog post. Add details on availability, style, or even provide a review.

  • celebrate a birthday

    750 points

ways to redeem

$5 off coupon

500 points

$10 off coupon

1,000 points

$20 off coupon

2,000 points

refer a friend

they will get $10 off coupon

you will get $10 off coupon